Couple’s Wedding Invitations Mistakenly Direct Guests To PornHub

Brides have a lot on their minds before their big day, so it’s understandable if they forget something with all the planning and organizing for the wedding. And one bride-to-be is learning this the hard way after she didn’t proofread the invitations she was having printed for her upcoming nuptials. She’s taken to TikTok to explain her faux pas and let’s just say we’re glad we’re not in her shoes right about now.

In the clip, the unnamed future bride shares that she had just gotten her wedding invitations in the mail and while she loved the look of them, she immediately noticed a “very large mistake” she’d made. “I forgot I put this fun website as a placeholder,” she explains, showing off her gold-trimmed RSVP card and zooming in on the place where her wedding information website should be. But instead, it shows, which is, of course, an X-rated content platform and not at all where you want to send your family members, future in-laws and everyone else invited to your wedding.

But her invitation mistakes didn’t stop there. PornHub also appears on the couple’s reception info cards, which read, “For more wedding details, please visit our website” And to top it off, she also forgot to update the information in the lodging accommodations area for out-of-town attendees. So instead of listing the posh hotel or resort where she’s blocked off rooms for them, the card lists the Super 8 Motel. The bride-to-be goes on to apologize to friends and family for her mistakes, especially her mom, and she vows to fix it. “I think it’s funny, personally,” she continues, “but I don’t think anyone else is gonna think it’s funny, especially my family and Nate’s family and literally anyone else.”

Source: Indy 100

Oops computer keyboard close up

Photo: Getty Images

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